Home Blood Strike Tips & Tricks for Dominating Shutter Island

Tips & Tricks for Dominating Shutter Island

  • Free First Life: Utilize your free first life wisely to ensure a second chance if your team is wiped out.
  • Speed Advantage: Movement speed on Shutter Island is faster, utilize sliding and jumping through doors to maintain momentum.
  • Loadout Strategy: Opt for close-range combat loadouts with noise-suppressing muzzles for silent kills.
  • Constant Movement: Avoid camping as multiple entry points to buildings make staying on the move essential.
  • Cell Checks: Vigilance in checking prison cells can save you from unexpected ambushes.
  • Zip Lines: Utilize zip lines for quick and quiet movement, ideal for a stealthy approach towards enemies.
  • Map Familiarity: Learn the layout quickly to avoid confusion, especially the tucked-away prison building staircases.
  • Rooftop Traps: Beware of rooftop ambushes and steer clear of the prison rooftop to evade enemy fire from all directions.
  • Tactical Cornering: Slide and pre-aim around corners to be prepared for sudden encounters.
  • Invest in Sound: Quality headphones can help detect enemy movements quickly, giving you an edge in engagements.
  • Vertical Awareness: Use screen indicators to gauge enemy positions on different levels of buildings.
  • Plan Your Escape: Always have an escape route in mind before engaging in fights, utilizing smoke grenades, doors, or windows.
  • Respect Every Encounter: Every landing back comes with a gun, so take respawning enemies seriously.
  • SMGs Rule: Prioritize SMGs for close and mid-range combat due to their effectiveness on Shutter Island.
  • Perfect Gun Combination: Combine an SMG with a sniper for versatility, avoiding the in9 due to its slow fire rate.
  • Self-Revive Tactics: Crawl to safety during team fights and utilize self-revive kits for survival.
  • Rooftop Advantage: Use rooftop shafts to catch enemies off-guard from above.
  • Dynamic Positioning: Change your position after downing an enemy to prepare for the next attack.
  • Team Play Matters: Surround yourself with skilled teammates for a better chance at victory.
  • Double Kill Quick Looting: Prioritize grabbing a weapon and getting into the action quickly rather than lingering to loot.
  • Health Check: Ensure you’re at full health before engaging enemies to better withstand third-party encounters.
  • Buy Station Efficiency: Take advantage of buy stations to restock on ammo immediately after redeploying.
  • Bait and Ambush: Lure enemies into corners and slide out for a surprise counterattack when they get close.
  • Staircase Caution: Peek into rooms before rushing stairs to avoid walking into potential ambushes.
  • Start Strong: Run a quick Hot Zone match before starting to boost awareness and readiness for the match ahead.
  • Embrace Throwables: Utilize throwables like smoke and fire grenades to gain tactical advantages in engagements.
  • Claim The High Ground: Maintain higher ground to gain a strategic advantage over opponents.
  • Middle Stair Avoidance: Stay away from middle stairs in the prison building to minimize exposure to enemy fire from multiple directions.

Top Strikers for Shutter Island:

  • Spike: Deadly at close and mid-range fights, with a pistol and sneaky gameplay.
  • Jet: Carries up to six grenades, ideal for flushing out enemies.
  • Hank: Military guy with a turret for defense and damage boost for SMGs and shotguns.
  • Emma: Support-focused with healing drones that can turn the tide of battle.
  • Ethan: Quick on feet, perfect for navigating tight spaces with a shield for extra defense.
  • Nova: Queen of close-range combat with toxic gas and movement boosts.

With these expert tips and recommended Strikers, you’re prepared to conquer Shutter Island in Blood Strike. Adaptability and teamwork are key to legendary victories. Good luck!