Home Call of Duty Mobile Q9 win Mobile Masters in Brazil

Q9 win Mobile Masters in Brazil

The Call of Duty: Mobile (CoD Mobile) Snapdragon Pro Series (SPS) Mobile Masters 2024 tournament, held in São Paulo, Brazil, from April 12 to April 13, showcased the incredible performance of Qing Jiu Club, commonly known as Q9, as they emerged victorious in this prestigious tournament.

The event featured a $200,000 prize pool and highlighted the intense competition and skill within the mobile esports community. Q9’s dominant performance solidified their position as the champions and demonstrated why China reigns supreme in the CoD Mobile esports scene.

The tournament was not only a display of the top-tier skills in mobile gaming but also a testament to the growth and recognition of esports on a global stage. As the competition continues to evolve and expand, we can expect to see more thrilling battles and remarkable performances from teams and players worldwide.

The event was part of the larger Snapdragon Pro Series, which featured both Call of Duty: Mobile and Free Fire, with the top teams from around the world competing for the lion’s share of the prize money. The CoD Mobile SPS Mobile Masters 2024 event took place between April 12 and April 13, with eight teams from different regions battling for the title.

This victory by Q9 at the Masters 2024 further cements their status as one of the top teams in the world and highlights the growing influence of mobile esports. As the esports industry continues to grow and evolve, we can expect to see more exciting events, larger prize pools, and even more intense competition in the years to come.