Home Call of Duty Mobile Warzone Mobile compared to Call of Duty Mobile’s launch

Warzone Mobile compared to Call of Duty Mobile’s launch

Activision rolled out Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile on March 21, making a grand entrance to the top of global charts. However, when we compare this 2024 launch to the debut of Call of Duty: Mobile, which hit the global stage on October 1, 2019, there’s quite a contrast.

At present, Appmagic estimates that Warzone Mobile has generated over $2.8 million in in-app purchases (IAP) from 21.9 million downloads since March 21. In contrast, Call of Duty: Mobile raked in an estimated $17.8 million from over 72.6 million installs during the same timeframe back in 2019.

Various factors contribute to this significant gap between the numbers. In 2019, there was an immense demand for a “proper” COD experience on mobile, making marketing efforts more straightforward. However, in today’s landscape, there’s less disposable income available compared to the boom times of 2019. Additionally, Warzone faces stiff competition from the already established and highly successful Call of Duty mobile game.

The provided chart illustrates day 1-18 downloads for both titles, indicating that Activision might face a challenging task persuading players to transition to the newer game, which seems to be the long-term strategy.

Analyzing the data further, we observe that daily downloads for Warzone peaked at approximately 4 million, whereas COD: Mobile’s launch soared past 10 million daily downloads shortly after going global.

On the revenue front, Warzone lags significantly behind its predecessor. COD: Mobile surged to around $1.5 million in daily IAP revenue within days of its launch, whereas Warzone Mobile has yet to surpass approximately $250,000 per day.