Ultimate Gorgos Guide for King Arthur: Legends Rise

The Burning Lands AKA Gorgos is one of the Dungeons you will spend most of the time farming, as this Dungeon rewards you with XP Potions and Gold. Both of these resources are paramount for progression within King Arthur: Legends Rise.

Nearly everything within the game requires Gold, so having a strong and reliable team to farm the highest level of Gorgos will set you up for success on your journey through the game.

This guide will give you some teams and ideas that you can use for building and beating the boss to get you earning them well needed resources.

Best Heroes to use in The Burning Lands

  1. Anguish (Frost)
  2. Merlin (Frost)
  3. Djerit (Frost)
  4. Isolde (Frost)
  5. Gillien (Frost)

These Heroes have certain skill sets that are imperative to use to help tackle Gorgos.

Gorgos Strategy

Gorgos applies DOT (Damage over Time) with his attacks, this can quickly overwhelm your team and once activated can easily one shot most of your heroes in the higher stages of the Dungeon. Bringing Heroes with skills that counter this is highly recommended. Djerit is a Uncommon Hero, but excels in this dungeon with his skill 2 that removes DOT from allies. Utilizing him with Isolde will keep your team cleansed from the Debuff and allow you to stay alive during the fight.

You will want to make Gorgos essentially kill himself, by using DOT against him. Couple that with Anguish and his Chill Debuff and you will have the boss down in no time!