Home Watcher of Realms Enhanced Hero Drop Rates and New Heroes Unleashed!

Enhanced Hero Drop Rates and New Heroes Unleashed!

Get ready to dive into an exciting event in Watcher of Realms, where the base drop rates of heroes with the same rarity will remain the same, but the drop rates for selected heroes will be 15 times the original rates. This event will take place from May 17, 2024, to May 20, 2024 (UTC-8). To participate, your account must have been created for at least 4 days, and you must have cleared Campaign Stage N1-9.

During this event, you’ll have the opportunity to summon the following heroes with increased drop rates:

Legendary Marksman: Setram
Legendary Mage: Serephina
Epic Healer: Lili
Epic Mage: Kalina
Epic Defender: Baron

This is the perfect chance to strengthen your team with these powerful heroes!

But that’s not all! Watcher of Realms is also introducing two brand-new heroes: Iovar and Serephina. Iovar, the Piercer Lord of Arrows, is known for his DEF-ignoring flying swords and fierce, driving attacks. Meanwhile, Serephina, the Caustic Serpent of the Esotercist Order, boasts an unparalleled strength that comes from her powerful buildup of spell energy.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to enhance your team and explore the new heroes in Watcher of Realms. May the odds be in your favor, Commanders!